"Amore Eterno" (Everlasting Love)
was born out of the tragedy that took place on December 14, 2012 in Sandy Hook, CT, but also speaks to every mother who has lost a child. This piece conveys the strength of the bond between mother and child.
"The Last Thing I Gave" was created based on the story of a Holocaust survivor, my friend, Elizabeth "Betty" Deutsch. She and her sister were given the task of pairing shoes after other prisoners were exterminated.
"Quiet Desperation" was created following 9/11. The roughness surrounding the figure represents the destruction. Although she is part of that - her hair blends in with the rough texture, and she is partially engulfed by it - she is strong enough to overcome.. Her hand breaks through the bronze behind her, and the words "faith, love and hope" are carved into the bronze.
"Our First Dance"
"A Mother's Love"
"Soul Searching"